
Here is a full list of videos Yiqing has uploaded to the internet. You can get access to these videos by simply click the buttons below.

Hope you would enjoy them. Here is a full list of all the submissions and we also offer several special editions to you!

[Full List] [Original Songs In Chinese] [With Deepthi] [Traveling with Ukulele] [Tutorials for musical instruments (In Chinese)]

Tutorials for musical instruments (In Chinese)


  1. 快速学会写歌《作曲篇》 2017-09-25

  2. 快速学会写歌《作词篇》 2-17-09-25


  1. 尤克里里入门教学-什么是尤克里里 2017-10-07

  2. 《娃娃ukulele干货分享》乌克丽丽新手入门教程(第二课)ukulele tutorial for beginners (Lesson 2) 2016-03-30

  3. 《娃娃ukulele干货分享》乌克丽丽新手入门教程(第一课)ukulele tutorial for beginners (Lesson 1) 2016-03-08


  1. 徐秉龙《鸽子》尤克里里弹唱教程 2017-10-03

  2. 《高尚》尤克里里弹唱教学 2017-06-29

  3. 《演员》尤克里里弹唱教学 2017-06-18

  4. 《暧昧》尤克里里弹唱教学 2017-06-18

  5. 《父亲写的散文诗》尤克里里弹唱教学 2017-06-18

  6. 《咖喱咖喱》尤克里里弹唱教学 2017-06-18

  7. 《BABY达尼亚》 尤克里里弹唱教学 2016-12-05

  8. 《海芋恋》尤克里里弹唱教学 2016-11-21

  9. 《大鱼》(《大鱼海棠》印象曲)尤克里里弹唱教学 2016-08-21

  10. 四叶草《在一起》ukulele弹唱教学 2016-07-14

  11. 《哆啦A梦》ukulele弹唱教程 2016-06-14

  12. Try Everything《疯狂动物城》主题曲Ukulele教程 2016-04-30

  13. Ukulele教学视频 《The show》2016-04-16

  14. 甜蜜具现式-sunshine-ukulele教程 2016-03-31

  15. CNY拜年神曲《七洞强》尤可里里弹唱教程 2016-02-02


  1. 徐秉龙《鸽子》吉他弹唱教程 2017-09-29

  2. 《BABY达尼亚》 吉他弹唱教学 2016-12-06

  3. 张悬《宝贝》吉他教程 2016-05-21

  4. 邓紫棋《多远都要在一起》吉他教程 2015-03-01


  1. 《大鱼》(《大鱼海棠》印象曲)键盘弹唱教学 2016-08-13