
Here is a full list of videos Yiqing has uploaded to the internet. You can get access to these videos by simply click the buttons below.

Hope you would enjoy them. Here is a full list of all the submissions and we also offer several special editions to you!

[Full List] [Original Songs In Chinese] [With Deepthi] [Traveling with Ukulele] [Tutorials for musical instruments (In Chinese)]

Original Songs In Chinese

  1. 《陪你的决心》原创尤克里里弹唱 2017-11-04

  2. 白桦树娃娃原创《下个季节》李思易褚高超友情出演 2017-07-27

  3. 《恋曲IN济》祝母校同济大学生日快乐 2017-05-17

  4. 《有种你就来》公益歌曲 2017-04-16

  5. 《四和弦弹五月天》 2017-03-29

  6. 《送你一朵小红花》 2017-03-14

  7. ukulele原创《海南鸡饭》 2016-09-19

  8. ukulele原创《分手快乐托福君》 2015-06-13

  9. 原创《下个季节》(遗珠篇)致异地恋 2015-02-15

  10. 原创《下个季节》 致异地恋 2015-02-14

  11. 《恋曲IN济》——同济大学“恋爱IN济”主题曲 2014-11-09