Next Generation Urban Traffic Control and Management


CoopeRative and UnIfied Smart Traffic SystEm (CRUISE)

Research Project in the Institute of Infocomm Research

Project Overview

  • The Land Transport Authority (LTA) is working with A*STAR's Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) to develop a locally-built next generation smart traffic light control system for Singapore, also known as CoopeRative and UnIfied Smart Traffic SystEm (CRUISE). The trial will be carried out near traffic intersections and pedestrian crossings between Corporation Road and Boon Lay Way, with sensors to be installed from September 2018 to end 2020.

Project Objectives

  • CRUISE is designed to pick up the physical presence of vehicles and pedestrians. By harnessing near real-time datasets from new technologies such as global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive capabilities can help us develop intelligent traffic light algorithms.

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